Scientific research indicates that Beta-Glucans, a kind of fiber, is instrumental in improving blood glucose control, cholesterol levels, and insulin resistance. Many people in Clearwater do not get enough fiber, and not all fiber is created equally. There are many Beta-Glucan benefits that prove it is one of the most important fibers to consume on a regular basis.

Fiber: What is Beta-Glucan and Where Does it Come From?

There are two main types of dietary fiber:

  • Soluble: dissolves in water, attracts cholesterol, slows digestion, prevents blood glucose and insulin spikes. Sources include oats, apples, flaxseeds, beans, celery, carrots, cucumber, lentils, and more.
  • Insoluble: adds bulk, increases satiety, prevents constipation, and feeds microbiome. Sources include brown rice, broccoli, sweet potatoes, couscous, barley, cabbage, and greens.

Beta-Glucan is found naturally at the cellular level in cereals, certain mushrooms, seaweed, algae, yeasts, wheat, rye, and sorghum. Barley and oats have the highest concentration of the fiber. The body does not naturally produce this compound, so it is essential to acquire it through outside sources.

Above all, researchers hope to use the fiber’s insulin-resisting properties to lower blood cholesterol, reduce obesity, boost immunity, and even fight cancer. The United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, and Canada all permit health claims for foods that offer Beta-Glucan benefits.

The Benefits and Uses of Beta-Glucans

Primarily, Beta-Glucan benefits include use for high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS. However, they can also help boost immunity in those suffering from immunodeficiencies or individuals undergoing treatment that weakens their bodily defenses like chemotherapy or chronic fatigue. Other conditions, such as anxiety or depression, can also affect the immune system negatively. Many people in Clearwater also use this fiber supplement to treat:

  • Colds
  • Flu
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Infections
  • Chron’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • And more

Topically, Beta-Glucan benefits the skin for conditions like eczema, dermatitis, wounds, burns, wrinkles, or diabetic ulcers. In healthcare, Beta-Glucan injections or IVs may help treat cancer while enhancing immune response in those with compromised systems. The injections can also help prevent infections in post-surgical patients. Some tumors from spreading cancer can be treated and reduced in size with subcutaneous injections of this fiber matter.

Reducing LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides

To reduce blood cholesterol, the fiber prevents the stomach and intestines from absorbing cholesterol. Cholesterol directly affects heart health, as do triglycerides. The FDA has signed off on Beta-Glucan benefits for people who consume at least 3 g of the fiber every day, as it has been shown to decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) by five to ten percent. One study observed that one and a half cups of cooked oatmeal provides 3 g while one cup of cooked pearl barley provides 2.5 g. With other foods like shiitake mushrooms, yeast, seaweed, algae, wheat, and rye containing Beta-Glucans as well, it is not difficult to get 3 g a day. However, to really take effect, supplementing provides pure, clean fiber without having to cook or prepare foods. Plus, with supplements, you know exactly how much you are getting while knowing you are covering your nutritional bases.

Get the Most Beta-Glucan Benefits with Clearwater Nutrition Lab

To naturally boost the immune system while warding off disease, trust Clearwater Nutrition Lab’s supplements. We harvest our ingredients from the most potent, natural sources and deliver them in pure, high-quality formulas for efficacy. Beta-Glucan benefits include immunity boosts, heart health increases, and more. Most people do not get the recommended amount of fiber they should in their daily diet, but our Immune Support with Beta Glucan can help. It provides a natural, easy-to-use source of fiber in an engineered delivery system for the highest absorption.

Call Clearwater Nutrition Lab today at (813) 766-2289 or contact us online to place an order.